Saturday, July 30, 2011

Sql Fundamentals Notes



DDL commands are used to create and remove database objects.
The commands are Create, Alter and Drop.

Create Command:-
This command is used to create the table.

Syntax:-create table
(col name datatype(w),col name data type(w));
Example: - create table aparna(sno number(2),name varchar2(10),m1 number(3), m2 number(3));

  1. Table name should not be a oracle reserved words.
  2. It is not case sensitive; we can use upper and lower case.
  3. Table name should start with character.
  4. The length of the table name should be below 32 characters.

Alter command:-
This command is used to add a new column and to change the width of the column.

Syntax: - alter
modify/add ;
Example: - alter table aparna add m3 number (3);
Alter table aparna modify name varchar2 (20);

Drop commad:-
This command is used to delete the table.

Syntax: - Drop table
Example: - drop table aparna.


DCL commands are used to control the kind of data access to the database and also for transaction control.
The commands are Commit, Rollback, Save point.

Commit command:-
This command is used to save the transactions.

Syntax:- commit

Rollback command:-
This command is used to scroll back the record (previous operations) only DCL commands. This command is exactly opposite of the commit command.

Syntax: - rollback
Example: - rollback.

Savepoint command: -
This command is used to saves the current point in the processing of a transaction. It is just like book mark in ms word.

Syntax: - savepoint


DML commands are used for data manipulation.
The commands are Select, Insert, Update and Delete.

Select command: -
This command is used to retrieve the row from the database files.

Syntax: - select * from
Example:- select * from rama.

Insert command:-
This command is used to insert records in to the table.

Syntax: - insert into
Example: - insert into rama (sno, name, m1, m2, m3) values (&sno,’&name’, &m1,&m 2, &m 3);

Update command:-
This command is used to update the database records

Syntax: - update
set =number;
Example: - update emp set comm=sal*100;

Delete command:-
This command is used to delete the records from the data base.

Syntax: -delete from
Example: - delete from emp where sal>=500;

Note: - where clause is used to give conditions.


TCL commands are Grant and Invoke.

Grant command: -
This command is used to give access to the database that to grant permissions for the DML, DCL commands

Revoke command:-
This command is used to get back the given grant permission.


  1. Select * from tab;
This sql statement is used to get the list of tables.

  1. Select * from tab;
This command is used to view the information of the current user.

  1. Desc command:-

This command is used to display the structure of the table.

Syntax: - desc table name;
Example: - desc table rama;

These two Exercise can be easily done by practicing the above all commands

Execute any six Sql commands
Design a database in Sql for the sale receipt of medicines with the following columns:-
Sno, Name of the product, Quantity, cost. Enter 5 different medicines and display the reports

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